(inspired by amy krouse rosenthal)

because i want to make every day count
because i want to make do with what i have
because i want to make every day
today i made...


a list of objects found while cleaning out my purse.

*Sudafed tabs (the good kind, with the pseudoephedrine)
*voter registration card (Obama 2008!)
*a dried up noodle (?)
*gum wrappers
*a (clean) diaper
*Mary Kay night cream
*3 tampons
*a joke bellybutton lint cleaner
*expired coupons for gas and Archiver's
*1 elastic ponytail holder
*a safety deposit box key
*loose change
*current coupons for Dairy Queen, Old Navy, a free bottle of Bissell cleaning fluid, Pizza Hut
*pictures of Eliot at 1 month and at 8 weeks
*address book
*wet wipes

What's in your wallet? :-)

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